No Water in Brine Tank? Why & How to Solve

no water in brine tank

The use of a water softener is mainly to remove the hard minerals from the water, such as calcium and magnesium, which can cause your clothes to feel stiff or form soap scum in your dishwasher. But you may face no water in brine tank problem with your water softener. There are two main components … Read more

Water hardness scale for water softener

water hardness scale for water softener

When we experience the effects of hard water at our home, naturally we want to buy a water softener or conditioner to solve the problem. But, do you really need a water softener to solve the problem? Actually, first, you need to measure water hardness scale for water softener. If your home water contains high … Read more

Triple Action Poly Salt-Free Water Softener Review

Hard water can damage your plumbing system, clothes, hair, and many home appliances. If you are living with hard water, it will create several problems like that. Generally, we use a water softener to solve these problems. There are many types of water softener on the market. Some of them are salt-based and some salt-free … Read more